Plan for Success: Your 2024 Roof Budget

building illustrations

Out of sight out of mind, your facility’s roof may often take a back seat to other operational priorities. Yet, allocating resources for it in your annual budget planning can lead to savings in the long run. Overlooked roof damage caused by harsh weather or aging can lead to unexpected expenses and problems such as roof leaks. Preventing such issues starts with learning everything about your roof and planning ahead.


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Celebrating CentiMark’s Southpointe Golfs for Children’s

Thank you to all our sponsors, golfers, donors and volunteers for a very successful 20th anniversary of our CentiMark Southpointe Golfs for Children's event on May 16, 2023.

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Help Your Roof Beat the Heat: Optimizing Temperature Resistance

construction worker looking up shielding his eyes


This summer unleashed scorching temperatures across North America. On July 3rd, we witnessed the record-breaking hottest day ever documented on Earth. As the sweltering heat takes its toll, your commercial facility's cooling expenses may spiral out of control. So, how can you better adapt to these blistering conditions? The solution might be your facility's roof.

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Summer Roof Checkup: 10 Frequently Overlooked Items That Deserve Your Attention

woman professional walking through a warehouse

Given that your facility's roof serves as the primary protection for your business operations, it may require repairs or maintenance to ensure it's performing at its best and is 100% watertight. Numerous defects with commercial roofs often remain undetected for an extended period of time, escalating into significant damage. Let's explore these frequently overlooked items that may be lurking just above you.

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Staying Safe on the Roof During the Sweltering Summer

commercial roofers working at night to avoid overheating during a heat wave


As scorching temperatures persist across the nation, ensuring the safety of individuals working on rooftops or in outdoor settings for extended periods is important. Recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics sheds light on a disconcerting reality: around 40 workers lose their lives annually due to heat-related incidents*. Many of these unfortunate occurrences transpire within outdoor professions like construction, farming and package delivery. The danger is palpable and the stakes couldn't be higher.

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Roof Warranties Explained

Warranties Explained

Roof warranties can be confusing. There are different warranty structures, terms of the warranty and warranty exclusions. Furthermore, different parties are often responsible for different aspects of the warranty at various times throughout the roof's life. Confused yet? Let us help you clear some of the confusion. Why Warranties Are Written Before...

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Memorial to Ed Dunlap at Corporate

Ed Dunlap Memorial

CentiMark's Executive Committee gave Tim Dunlap and Mrs. Anna Dunlap a Christmas gift of two Memorial benches and a garden in front of the Corporate Headquarters in memory of CentiMark Founder and Chairman, Ed Dunlap, who died on July 23, 2022. On June 13, 2023, the gift was unveiled. In addition to the United States flag and the United States Coas...

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The Washington Area Humane Society (WAHS) Donation


CentiMark Corporation is immensely grateful for the opportunity to support the Washington Area Humane Society (WAHS). It is our honor to play a role in directly assisting the abandoned, abused and neglected animals in Washington County (PA). The WAHS holds a special place in our hearts and we are proud of our long-standing partnership with them. We...

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